Sunday, July 25, 2010

My excuse and Singing hamsters.

Um... *peeks out from behind computer screen*... Hi, everyone... *weak smile*
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. But, I do have an excuse. At least for a few days. The last few I was just kind of tired.
So, at my school we have a laptop program wherein all of the students are given computers. I don't know whose idea it was to give a bunch of teenagers a bunch of expensive computers, but that's not the point. Since we are, after all, a bunch of teenagers, we are not exactly "gentle" with our lovely computers. Therefore the principal sees it fit to have a computer service location. Also known as The Cave (of sexual torture). That last part isn't the legit name. That would be inappropriate seeing as it is a Catholic school... Anyway, The Cavemen and woman ordered all of last year's freshmen to take their computers (I named mine Link-o Po Chink-o) to The Cave so that they may be updated to Windows 7!! Yay! Pretty! Okay, so my computer was away at The Cave for about three days. So that's part one of my excuse. Part two of my excuse exists of reading online comics, staying up late talking to my Chat Orgy (Yes, you read that correctly. No, it is not a real orgy. I am a good Christian girl...Sometimes. Heh heh), writing a book (which I haven't updated lately, but here's the link anyway: ), and watching Harry Potter and zombie movies with my friends... I feel like that is a decent excuse.

Now, I will go on to the portion of the blog wherein I whine and complain about things that annoy me! Yay!

Kia. They have very nice cars. I mean, they are pretty and they are environmentally friendly (or as friendly as a gas-guzzler can be). But there is one reason that has made me decide that I will NEVER buy a car from Kia Motors: wangster hamsters. Yes, wangster. Wanna-be gangster. Those less-than-ghetto-fabulous rodents from the Kia commercials get on my nerves. They all walk around with their doo rags on and try to be super-fly. (Reference picture) Now, don't get me wrong, the hamsters aren't the only part of the commercials that I hate with a burning passion that could fuel a thousand small towns for an eternity. I also dislike the music that is playing in the background of the "Soul Hamster" commercials. "You can get with this, or you can get with that. You can get with this, or you can get with that. You can get with this, or you can get with that." And it goes on and on and on. First off, I have no appreciation for a song that is put in motion to small rodents. Secondly, why would I want to "get with" a car. I feel like that would be at least partially illegal. Like.... Automotiphilia. Automotiviality (like bestiality. But with cars). So, no, Kia Hamsters. I will not be "getting with" any of your vehicles in the forseeable future.

And that's all I have to say on the matter.

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